
Yomiuri-Shimbun 24th July 2016 can be used to estimate maximum numbers for two defeated candidates

  Yomiuri Shimbun published an article on 24th July 2016 about a pre-election poll survey for the Tokyo Metropolitan Governor in 31th July 2016.  The article did not present exact values for supports for three major candidates. However, using the graph on supports stratified by LDP supporters, DP supporters, and others in the newspaper, it was still possible to estimate maximum numbers of votes for two defeated candidates, Mr. Hiroya MASUDA and Mr. Shuntaro TORIGOE.  The analyst also could use actual total number of voters, and votes for LDP, DP, and others in the election for Sangiin (proportional representation) of the National Diet in 10th July 2016.  Maximum votes for Mr. MASUDA and Mr. TORIGOE was estimated to be 2894879 and 2899155, by applying the actual data in Sangiin to the Yomiuri survey.  The coincidence in those numbers and to the actual votes to the winner, Ms. Yuriko KOIKE, which reached to 2912628 votes, can be meaningful for the coming elections in all countries in the world.

Here is the link to the xls file estimated by local municipalities.

Japanese translation by the author below:



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